Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Daily Grind and Finances

I can't believe that November will end in a week's time. And as much as I have the urge to write I just can't seem to transcribe my thoughts on paper or to cyberspace. Its usually stuck in my head every morning or late afternoon while commuting for work or going home from work. And when I get home I can't recall what I was thinking in the first place so then I don't write anymore. I log on to Facebook and then catch up with my friends' lives or stalk people randomly.

I've been working in an outpatient department clinic in a district hospital, office hours from 8 to 5 pm, weekdays only. I really love my schedule. Because I get to have a social life after office hours and get to have weekends off! Okay initially I wanted to work office hours during the weekdays so that during the weekends I will have an opportunity to cover and earn additional 50% of what I earn. But honestly this never came about. Weekends I prefer to lounge around the house reading books or magazines or having a wonderful lunch or dinner outside. Usually to meet up with friends. But I don't mind if I lose moolah the time spent with family and friends are priceless!

And yes after a month's delay I've finally got my paycheck and I've decline my parents' offer to continue receiving allowance. As much as it pains me a bit, I mean hey if I accept the offer, I would have all my money to myself and that means hedonism with shopping, drinks and fancy dinners to my heart's content. But they have done so much for me already so I was just thinking maybe they could use the money that they would allot for me to have some fun and relaxation on their own. The irony of earning on your own is you hesitate to spend compared to when you are not earning at all. So after I got my check I exchanged it to cash and roamed around two shopping malls. Still I got nothing. But in my mind I wanted to buy a lot of things - sneakers, Murakami's new book, shirts and underwear but as soon as I am about to march to the counter I turn back and return the item to the rack. I'll probably have a shopping spree during the Christmas holiday sale rush. For now I am saving for my inaanaks, family and friends for Christmas gifts.

My free spiritedness clashes with my practicality when it comes to the money issues. My spontaneous side says: "Go spend have fun and enjoy life". My thrifty side retorts: "Save for the rainy days and save for your future. Okay as much as I don't like money to be the center of decisions, but sometimes it really has to. So now that I am earning on my own, I liquidate my cash and take note if I am spending too much or I am just right on the budget. But despite having to do this I am thankful that I still get to earn a pretty decent amount for expenses, try good food, a little goodies here and there and to be able to have a good time two or three times a week. Plus I really do enjoy my job!

The holidays are just around the corner. I am now making my Christmas wish list and checking my list - naughty or nice if you are my friend I might actually give you something!

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