Monday, October 13, 2008

Time Flies, Just so You Know

Exams and Unreasonably long chapters (as if, the school didn't know, there just not doing anything about it. Training and that's the life of medical student, they would just say...)
I'm overwhelmed. This is my third week of school already and all I can say is the exams are really frustrating so far. Okay I know I've had worse. The questions of Pedia tests are straightforward. It's in the book and its not compared to others where you have to comprehend. It's there in the book! The only problem is the coverage is a mile long! I mean, how can you expect to read and retain? I think I am almost getting the hang of studying for the exams! Well see next week.

Double Treat
What an action packed day today was, during OB duty! We had a Cesarean Section and a few minutes later witnessed a normal delivery without any lacerations! We were supposed to have our practical but they had to do Cesarean because the baby was a face presentation and his face was swollen. Instead he was a breech presentation! (the butt instead of the head was approaching the opening of the vaginal canal). What a surprise indeed, as the anesthesiologist said, "that's the thrill of surgery!" After that we then proceeded to the delivery room to witness one of the most shortest and flawless deliveries I had the chance of witnessing so far. The perineum survived without a single tear! Both mothers gave birth to adorable baby boys. Today was a very fulfilling day indeed and it saddens us, which I never thought would happen, that we have 9 days left in our OB rotation. It's so fast! We were learning a lot of things and all good things do come to an end! Let's just see how we will fare with Ophtha!

7 weeks to go...
The preparation of the masquerade ball this December is a little bit behind. I say maybe by two weeks so to say. In the time frame, we are suppose to be putting up pictures, giving the tickets and hyping up the publicity for the party. Instead this week, the pictorials for the posters and tickets have yet to be done and we are still trying to bid on two hotels for the venue. But finally after two months of agonizing my already tortured soul, the program is 95% finalized. The committees were also revamped! Instead of forcing people to be assigned in a certain field, people now have the liberty to choose. I'm still head of the program committee but I am now heading participative and willing to work classmates instead of those half-hearted, whiny, and most of all complainers! Those I referred to and they who shall not be named have all flocked and migrated to the decoration committee! Ha! I am still worried that I might be de facto host of the program since there are no other persons confident enough to do it. I am not saying that I can't do it but it just takes to much time, effort and a very makapal na mukha! I can't bear the embarrassment!

Things to be done:
Role Play for Community Medicine, Talk Show Presentation on Bioethics about Stem Cell Research, Tabulate Data for Research, and of course study for next Monday's exam. Thank heavens I'm done with Case Conference and rotations of IM and Pedia in the Clinics which demands too much time!

Looking forward to Fitness Day tomorrow - we're playing badminton!

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