Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Run, Swim, Deliver, Gloves and Fitness

Being assigned in OB-Gyne right now has made me appreciate it a little bit more. I really hated OB during first semester. I don't get much how and the management is really all mixed up in my brain. What I love about this rotation though, is the gentle yet supportive residents who are willing to teach us. From the 8 days or so, I did Internal Exam, Fundic Height, Fetal Heart Tone, Labor Watch, Gowning and Gloving without pressure and not by constantly being in tiptoes as if it was like walking on eggshells. Relax and calm. I am kind of anticipating my first delivery. It is exhilirating I surprisingly admit but messy and scary at the same time.

Today, after hospital duty, my groupmates from OB-Gyne had our Fitness Day. We agreed a week ago that today we all would exercise - jog, swim, dance just for fun and to have a different kind of trip instead of just spending early offs sleeping. It almost didn't push through since it rained when we were about to go, but I insisted we go. I did TaeBo indoors since it was the only thing we can do. I did it with Leslie and Mae for 30 minutes. Ryan and Ann did laps in the pool in the rain! Then after our TaeBo stint the rain stopped and I was able to jog 3 rounds! Mae then tried Bellydancing and she loved it! Next Tuesday we will be playing badminton to promote fitness and the rest of the girls will be Belly Dancing. I'm loving getting a good sweat at least once a week. Thursdays I do HipHop abs at home. I am actually reducing my rice intake to half and the rest in moderation. My classmates are horrified of the thought and they think I have anorexia or body dysmorphia. Hahaha maybe sometimes I think I am a little fat. I am just preventing abdominal obesity and yes being fit makes me happy!

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