Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I'm Back!... at least for now

I think this is my nth blog. I can't remember exactly but I do admit that I am the type to start a blog when I feel like it or if I couldn't sleep like right now, but after say a few months I just totally abandon my blog and start another one.
I have already signed up in LiveJournal, update my blog in Multiply occasionally and I mean once in a couple of months and god knows this is is probably my tenth or so attempt of starting one here in BlogSpot.
But this time around I promise myself and this blog that I will at least update every week and that means even quizzes and blah comments will count.
What to expect: Rants, raves about books, movies, and TV shows, acerbic lines and just whining and your usual comments that would parallel a radio commentator, think the type with the loud and shrilly voice, the ones you'll mostly hear when your in a cab and just your usual dose of me.
Who am I? It's a secret you'll find out when you read my profile!
Gotta go! Im on sem break! Gotta savor every moment!

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