Thursday, August 4, 2011

I guess this is it!

I am no longer in denial and I am almost on the stage of full acceptance that tomorrow, the inevitable, the looming cloud, the pseudo kinda pink fat elephant in the room will be happening in less than twenty fours. Though I was initially looking for a state of panic, I already got it and it was great because it brought me back to my senses and I regained my composure and Zen-esque state of mind.

Tomorrow another medical milestone will be hurdled and all I can do now is hope for the best and expect the worst. I am pumping myself up by putting on my "game face", maintaining a state of mental tranquility and repeating to one's self in silence but loud and clear, "You can do it!". Over and over again.

After two weekends my life will either go forward or do a stand still. Whatever happens I vow to continue on living. I owe myself this and I choose to do happy things and think of happy thoughts.

And the support, encouragement and motivation from family and friends have been very efficient in being the fuel to undertake such huge task. So Good Luck and God Bless us all!

Breathe in. Breathe out. Smile. Say to self: "I can do this! Kick Ass!".

"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. "

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